The Scientific Programme Committee invites you to submit your abstract on the topic of molecular probes including their applications in drug discovery, immunotherapy and cell tracing. Also the researches in translational medicine covering ultrasound, magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, optical and multimodality imaging techniques. In addition, the cutting-edge technologies related to minimally invasive therapy covering minimally invasive surgery, photodunamic/sonodynamic therapy, radio-frequency/laser/microwave/HIFU ablation for cancer therapies, radioactive particles and endoscopy , as well as their clinical applications.
You should give your presentation in the assigned manner in your abstract and submit it on line. It also grants the organizer to publish the abstract. Submissions can be edited at any time after submission but before the deadline.
Accepted abstracts may be selected for oral or poster presentations and published in the conference proceedings. Once assigned by the Scientific Programme Committee, the date and time of the presentation can not be changed, so make sure to well arrange your personal scheduals.